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Beach Clean up with Venturing Crew Scouts

Today’s beach clean up at Kalaeloa Beach Park made me more determined to try to avoid single use plastics and maybe try to make homemade products instead of buying things in packaging…But, for instance, my homemade laundry detergent never seem to be as effective as the ones I buy in the store.


🙏⛪️⚓🐕 🐾 🌺 🌈 🐢🤿 🍵🏕👩🏻‍🍳🍣 🥾 🙆🏻 Vicki and her husband are thankful for 1 elderly dog at home and 4 adult kids living out of state. Some of Vicki's interests, in random order, include cooking (mostly Asian and plant-based) simple ethnic dishes using kitchen appliances/gadgets, minimalism/simple living, traveling (mostly in Asia), nature walking, snorkeling, container gardening, learning hula, reading non-fiction, listening to audiobooks, talking story with neighbors while walking our dog, visiting museums/historical sites, Lay Biblical Counseling and volunteering at church and in the community.

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