In the midst of working on some other projects, I’ve been trying to declutter and reorganize some closets. I found a pile of the kids’ old karate belts that they earned while we were stationed in Japan a few years ago. They are special to me in themselves but also because Hanamoto Sensei had them embroidered with their names written in Japanese. I found an idea on Pinterest of making the belts into a basket and realized I forgot everything I learned from Becky O.’s basket weaving class in Annapolis.

Thankfully my youngest son came to my rescue and made it into a basket, using techniques he learned from the Boy Scout Basketry merit badge. There’s a funny story behind that merit badge…He went to summer camp at Camp Tama Hills and I remember he had one time slot left to fill and the choices were thin and unappealing so he reluctantly put down the Basketry one. We sort of chuckled at the time that he was going to camp to learn basket weaving…But it turns out it was actually one of the more productive ones!