You are currently viewing Kūkaniloko Birthstones State Monument in Wahiawa

Kūkaniloko Birthstones State Monument in Wahiawa

Twenty members of our spouse club (PHOSC) toured the Kūkaniloko Birthstones State Monument in Wahiawa.  It is one of the most important ancient cultural sites on the island of Oahu. 

Our guides told us so many interesting stories and facts about this place. For example, this location is the exact center of both Oahu and of all the Hawaiian Islands. There are certain stones that were like calendars during prehistoric times because the sun would rise or set a certain way on them every 90 days. Another rock had special markings which marked due north, of course they figured this out before compasses or gps. We were only allowed to sit on one rock which was shaped like the navigator seat (2nd to the last) in an outrigger canoe. The Wai’anae Mountain Range on the west side represents “wahine” or women and the Ko’olau Mountain Range on the east side represents “kane” or men. And we were in the middle, flat cauldron or caldera of those 2 mountain ranges.

Here is an interesting article about this site from Hawai’i Magazine.

Much more info is available at their website

There is no parking lot so we parked along Kam Hwy. Be sure to arrive from the north (via local roads not H2) otherwise it is difficult to turn around to park.


🙏⛪️⚓🐕 🐾 🌺 🌈 🐢🤿 🍵🏕👩🏻‍🍳🍣 🥾 🙆🏻 Vicki and her husband are thankful for 1 elderly dog at home and 4 adult kids living on the mainland. Some of Vicki's interests, in random order, include learning hula and how to cook (mostly Asian and plant-based) simple ethnic dishes using kitchen gadgets, minimalism/simple living, bicycling, snorkeling, hiking/nature walking, container gardening, reading non-fiction, listening to audiobooks, talking story with neighbors while walking our dog, visiting museums/historical sites, Lay Biblical Counseling and volunteering at church and in the community.