You are currently viewing Tripler Ridge Trail Hike

Tripler Ridge Trail Hike

After my (Vicki’s) doctor’s appointment at Tripler, Ben and I hiked some of the Tripler Ridge Trail. Mostly nicely paved, beautiful views, so nice to be out in nature.  Thankful for God’s creation and new knees (!)

All Trails info on the Tripler Ridge Trail

Vicki’s Strava

Post hike lunch at Thai Cuisine Express in Aiea (near Palama Market and Best Buy)


🙏⛪️⚓🐕 🐾 🌺 🌈 🐢🤿 🍵🏕👩🏻‍🍳🍣 🥾 🙆🏻 Vicki and her husband are thankful for 1 elderly dog at home and 4 adult kids living on the mainland. Some of Vicki's interests, in random order, include learning hula and how to cook (mostly Asian and plant-based) simple ethnic dishes using kitchen gadgets, minimalism/simple living, bicycling, snorkeling, hiking/nature walking, container gardening, reading non-fiction, listening to audiobooks, talking story with neighbors while walking our dog, visiting museums/historical sites, Lay Biblical Counseling and volunteering at church and in the community.